Parents and Students:
Well, it's pumpkin latte season and we are getting out our sweaters to prepare to "fall back" for the end of Daylight Savings time on Sunday. Autumn is officially here, and we are embracing every moment.
A few things to know:
1. Thursday is Halloween. Students are welcome to wear their costumes to tutoring, but please leave masks, gloves, fake teeth, etc in the car. We want the kids to get through their work so they can enjoy their trick or treating after tutoring.Â
2. We will be closed for some holidays coming up:
Monday, Nov. 11 for Veteran's Day
Nov 25-29 for Thanksgiving and Fall Break
Dec 20-Jan 7 for Winter Break. *We return Wed, 1/8
3. For Seniors: CSU applications are open, and UC applications open on Friday. Start early, triple check everything, and give yourself plenty of time. You got this!
4. With the sports season changing, there is always some turbulence in the schedule. When you get your new practice schedule, contact us so we can change your tutoring time. We update the Teachworks calendar in real time, so you can always see what is available.Â
We are headed into the final grading period of the fall semester. Check your grades and turn in any missing work before 11/7. After that, it is full steam ahead. Start pulling together your study materials for finals and spend time each day reviewing old concepts. A little bit over a long period of time is better than a huge cram session just before finals.Â
Thanks for all your hard work and commitment. We believe in you!
Christie & Team